Saturday, October 07, 2006

Why don't they get a new script?

My niece is here from the US for the weekend. She says she came to visit her uncle, but the reality is quite different I think. She is here to get some bragging points with her dorm-mates about a casual trip here than spend time with uncle-types. Either way, I am glad she is here. I took her to the old town and we sat on world's longest bench (I know, I know, this town doesn't have much else to boast.)

She loves the town so far (Twelve hours of total awake time.) But her biggest problem is with the language. She just doesn't understand why they (the French, the mayonnaise-eaters, you catch my drift, Pierre?) have to use our script (this is a very interesting thing, how English has really become ours, just like the English claim curry is theirs) to spell out our words and pronounce them so wrong! She has particular problems with Nations and Manor. So she is on a silent protest-strike against the whole French language:-) She wants them to get a different script and leave English alone.

Of course, she is joking. Sort of.

One of her classmates in the Genetics class (who is a pre-med student) thought that Atlantic is next to California and to get here, one has to fly over Asia. This girl apparently is very smart and extremely hardworking. My niece was shocked at such blatant and unrepentant display of ignorance. But you will be surprised by what you hear in American universities. I know. I have taught American undergraduates. I am still in therapy to get over the depression from the experience.

So, lets agree on one thing. The French ought to get their own script and leave the rest of us alone. And Americans ought to get their own planet, and leave the rest of the world alone.

And then, I will be writing about weekly inter-planetary travel.

Beam me up Scotty!

PS: I edit very poorly. In fact, I hardly ever edit. I don't write these posts on MS Word and then upload; I write them directly. It is terrible. I feel ashamed. I go back and reread some stupid stuff I have written in the past and I don't know if should edit them and fix all the errors of the ADHD-induced writing or to scrap them entirely. Will you, dear reader, ever find it in your heart to forgive me?