Sunday, August 27, 2006

Opera Prohibida

Got into the hotel about an hour ago. The man at the immigration counter was so busy on his cellphone that he didn't even open my passport. When i came out of the airport, I looked in vein to see a familiar face, even though that is silly. It is always good to see a smiling face when you enter a city, don't you think?

Same routine. Same phone call to the housekeeping for an iron. Same balding man with the iron. Things are quiet in the room and the curtains are drawn.

I was reading about Spike Lee's new documentary on New Orleans. I am quite thrilled he tackled the topic that the mainstream "media" (I use the quotation marks deliberately. The abdication of reponsibility by the so-called media in the aftermath was nothing short of criminal) avoided all this while.

I will end with this really evocative poem I read in the plane by Nikki Giovanni that is so simple yet so wonderful.

"I am old and need
to remember
you are young and need
to learn
if I forget the words
will you remember the music

if we meet does it matter
that i took the step toward you

i am old and need to remember
you are young and want to learn
let's dance together
let's dance

Time to rest.