Monday, August 07, 2006

Musings on Governance

I spent this morning wondering if democracy, as experienced by most people, is the best form of governance. Don't get me wrong, I am not a cheerleade for theocracy or military dictatorsip. But the fact that the other alternatives stink doesn't mean we stop searching for other more meaningful alternatives.

At least here in the US, democracy is not all that participatory. It is really the government of the rich for the rich by the rich. What most Americans think as participatory democracy is a staged show managed by a few unelected power brokers. They manufacture messages entirely designed to play to the emotions of the majority to secure the votes and then once secured, use the mandate to continue the will of the military-indusrial complex.

Recently, for example, a bill was introduced tat tied a minimum wage hike to further tax relief for the richest. Apparently, no more than 10 of the total strength of congress even bother to read the provisions of the intellegence bills before voting on them.

This is of course the oldest democracy in the world.

The largest, India, is worse. Instead of checks nd balanced, what India has is a sort of anarchy that functions for a few power brokers. It is even more complex and in the true fashion of India works in all other areas, truly incomprehensible. Where else can systematic discrimination of the meritorious is hailed as social justice?

Is this the best we can do?

Surely there must be a better way to govern.