Wednesday, August 02, 2006

National Day

Yesterday was the national Day and at the English Garden, they must all have gathered to celebrate and watch the fireworks. I went by there yesterday, and people were already getting in the mood with the help of copious pourings of wine and beer. Many were grooving to the free concert. I was invited to go but here I am sitting in this town. I can see all the smiling faces and their laughter. I too got a special 5 bucks coin sized chocolate cake on the flight... and that was my celebration:-) Mid-air celebration of a holiday that doesn't hold much significance to me except that there are people on the streets and here I am alone again.

This started out as a bad morning. My first flight was cancelled by the airline, so here I am standing in line to rebook on a another flight. A South indian girl with glasses, without much ceremony, disappears from her place in front of me, after asking me to look after her bags. Fortunately she returns before my turn arrives. And I am not a huge fan of this airline. I get to the hub city and suddenly Tii and Amit both call asking if I would be up for a drink later that day. Well, that ain't gonna happen, now will it?

The German guy sitting next to me is a lucky upgrade and he is thrilled to be there. So he decides to live it up Cliff Richard's new wine they are serving today. What the hell, I join in. It is not like I am flying the plane. (A good thing too, unlike the time I went flying with Tim Long over Ventura).

And now at 3:00 AM I am wide awake. I should be feeling at home to be back. But for some reason, I feel like I left something back there. This commute back and forth is hard. Harder than I ever thought. And now I have to go to my office in the morning, did I ever mention I have two offices, lucky me!:-(

All the unspoken words. I am afraid if I start talking, I will never stop.