Sunday, August 27, 2006

Truth Or Dare

to hell with all lies
you tell and i tell
and we tell the world
and the world tells us in return

hell with the wars
that we fight and want to fight
and gonna fight
in my name and yours

hell with
this moment
i die in a panic attack
waiting for a drip of truth
though i know there
ain’t no such thing as truth
so i can’t run from this panic

you block me and i block you
you cant see me and i wont see you
you board up your windows
and i get a trumpet
i go to the basement
and you pretend to be the oil truck
you run away from the din
and i become a mariachi band
because babe
hell with all lies
you tell and i tell
there ain’t no place safe enough
to sleep in peace
when we are just pretending to sleep

hell with the bombs, cursed cries for help
hell with shoe shopping when cities are flooding
hell with wine and cheese
and google clips of john cleese
what do i care about all this
when i can’t run from this panic
‘cuz i die in a panic attack
waiting for a drip
of truth
even though
i know